Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Secret To Everyone Except Tiggerkat And Her Supporters!

So Tiggerkat was all sick yesterday seeing (and smelling) all those Kit Kats! But she doesn't know a secret. May I tell it to you? **looks all around and then whispers**

"Alright. Here goes nothing! I-


Friends With Tiggerpaka!!" **laughs evilly** Now we can plan together how to make Great Shot undelete 'The Great Migration' again (cause I wanted to be in it, too)! Hahaha!

** whispers** BUT DON'T TELL TIGGERKAT!!! Bye! **waves and disappears**

A nead peeps out from the side of the wall.


"Well well well, Tiggerkat doesn't know what I'm going to do! I'll make Great Scott undelete The Great Migration and I, Tiggerpaka The Great will be the main star of it, not Great Scott! Bwahahahahahah!"

**Kitkat pulls meerkat back**  Bye again!


  1. ***enters room**
    Did I just see a meerkat? what was Tiggerpaka doing here?

    Kit Kat....are you up to something? again?!

    1. wh- what? oh! i-it must be a mirage or something! **whispers behind her** go away! she'll see you! **nudges and hides something**

  2. 0_o
    Well at least Tiggerpaka has a friend.

    1. I'm one of his proud minions! -raises head and struts and trips-
