Friday, December 7, 2012

The Party Is Today!

Welcome to the

First there were all kinds of games! Like Hamster-In-A-Bucket:

And afterwards:

I was the winner! And Fish-Eater. In this, the winner is the one who catches the largest fish!

This little guy won easily! And now for the treats! There's are special Christmas Kit Kats!

(this one's so cool!)

And other things!

And last of all, reese cups for my good but reese loving followers/readers!

Then there were contests! The winner of 'The Santa Claus Outfit':

Winner of 'The Jingle-Bell Outfit'!

(She was too shy to pose for the pix!)

Winner of  'The Most Christmassy Outfit':

Isn't he cute! And the winner of the 'Christmas Tree Outfit!

(Yes, Santa just popped in to keep the presents!)

And Winner Of the 'Funniest Costume':

That wasn't even an outfit, but Tiggerkat looked really silly!**hides back a laugh**

Serves her right for making me look bad in Halloween!(That was actually Photoshopped)

Hope you enjoyed the party!


  1. Look, now, you said "Quick, Tiggerkat, smile!" and took my picture before I even knew what was going on! So of course I didn't look my best!

    1. Of course that was my wiliness... >:D MUWAHAHAHA!!!

  2. Can you add a followers gadget so I can follow this blog? :3
